SURBL - Spam URI Realtime Blocklists


SURBL offers a highly accurate and dynamic list of current, active, bad domains, as well as up-to-date threat data on malicious websites. SURBL is extremely effective at detecting and controlling difficult-to-detect phishing, malware, and bot-net domains.
SURBL data contains approximately 1.5 million current, active, bad domains, is continuously updated (updated every 1-2 minutes), and significantly improves detection of phishing, malware, and bot-net domains.

Protect from malicious URL’s and malicious websites

SURBLs contain web sites that appear in unsolicited messages. They can be used with programs that can check message body web sites against SURBLs, such as SpamAssassin 3 and others mentioned on the links page.

Identify your competitive edge

Here's an overview of the lists and their data sources.
˃ jwSpamSpy + Prolocation sites
˃ sa-blacklist web sites
˃ SpamCop web sites
˃ AbuseButler web sites
This list contains mainly general spam sites (pills, counterfeits, dating, etc.). It combines data from the formerly separate JP, WS, SC and AB lists. It also includes data from Internet security, anti-abuse, ISP, ESP and other communities, such as Telenor. Most of the data in ABUSE come from internal, proprietary research by SURBL itself.

jwSpamSpy + Prolocation sites
Joe Wein's jwSpamSpy program along with systems operated by Raymond Dijkxhoorn and his colleagues at Prolocation provide JP data. The resulting list has a very good detection rate and a very low false positive rate.

sa-blacklist web sites
WS started off with records from Bill Stearns' SpamAssassin ruleset sa-blacklist but nowadays holds data from many different data sources.

SpamCop web sites
SC contains message-body web sites processed from SpamCop URI reports, also known as "spamvertised" web sites. The reports are not used directly, but are subject to extensive processing. Entries in SC expire automatically several days after the SpamCop reports decrease.

Note that this list is not the same as, which is a list of mail sender IP addresses.

AbuseButler web sites
AbuseButler is kindly providing its Spamvertised Sites which have been most often reported over the past 7 days. The philosophy and data processing methods are similar to the SC data, and the results are similar, but not identical. Data sources for AbuseButler include SpamCop and native AbuseButler reporting.
This list contains mainly general spam sites (pills, counterfeits, dating, etc.). It combines data from the formerly separate JP, WS, SC and AB lists. It also includes data from Internet security, anti-abuse, ISP, ESP and other communities, such as Telenor. Most of the data in ABUSE come from internal, proprietary research by SURBL itself.

jwSpamSpy + Prolocation sites
Joe Wein's jwSpamSpy program along with systems operated by Raymond Dijkxhoorn and his colleagues at Prolocation provide JP data. The resulting list has a very good detection rate and a very low false positive rate.

sa-blacklist web sites
WS started off with records from Bill Stearns' SpamAssassin ruleset sa-blacklist but nowadays holds data from many different data sources.

SpamCop web sites
SC contains message-body web sites processed from SpamCop URI reports, also known as "spamvertised" web sites. The reports are not used directly, but are subject to extensive processing. Entries in SC expire automatically several days after the SpamCop reports decrease.

Note that this list is not the same as, which is a list of mail sender IP addresses.

AbuseButler web sites
AbuseButler is kindly providing its Spamvertised Sites which have been most often reported over the past 7 days. The philosophy and data processing methods are similar to the SC data, and the results are similar, but not identical. Data sources for AbuseButler include SpamCop and native AbuseButler reporting.

Malicious Domain and URL Datasets

If you have any questions about Surbl Datasets, or if you would like to request more information, please contact us
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